Living Free....
Rajesh Durbal originally shared:
Ask me 4 years ago, if I ever thought I would lead country wide change, start new programs, teach at leadership conferences, donate medical aid oversea's, invent prosthetic parts, and inspire millions. I would have said that's not me. I was happy just going to work and racing. I knew deep in my heart I was destined to do great things, I just didn't know how it was going to happen. The truth is, there is nothing average about you. Too many times we don’t realize who we are. We focus on our weaknesses or what we don’t have. We believe a label that is put on us. In our jobs, our homes, with our friends, on TV, and in magazines. We focus on the mistakes we have made or the family from which we have come. We end up settling for mediocrity when we were created for greatness. If you’re going to break out of average, you need to remind yourself every day, I come from a bloodline of Champions!

Pub Date:
Monday, July 21, 2014 - 13:02