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  • Guts2Glory posted a photo.

    Team Rehability

    Guts2Glory shared Team Rehability's photo.
    Thursday, May 1, 2014 - 17:40
  • Lee Wyser posted a video.

    Ottobock Trkiye

    Guts2Glory Guts To Glory
    Bar Telli - Ottobock 3S80 Kou protezi
    Wednesday, April 30, 2014 - 17:34
  • Lee Wyser posted a video.

    Guts2Glory Guts To Glory
    Barış Telli - Ottobock 3S80 Koşu protezi
    Wednesday, April 30, 2014 - 17:34
  • Guts2Glory posted a link.

    Positively Georgia


    A Step Forward.....
    Click here to watch stories that are Positively Georgia.
    Tuesday, April 29, 2014 - 20:26
  • Guts2Glory posted a photo.

    Timeline Photos

    Every challenge we face is designed to test our fortitude. Why master 3 sports at once? because in life you are not just mastering one aspect of your life. You have to master every part of it. That is how you become better tomorrow by becoming better today. GNC Live Well Nike Nike Running Zoot Sports GU Energy Labs Freedom Innovations WillowWood

    Guts2Glory shared Rajesh Durbal's photo.
    Tuesday, April 29, 2014 - 20:14
  • Lee Wyser posted a video.

    Fitness Motivation

    Guts2Glory No Excuses WOW!! What's your excuse???
    Wow! Respect! - Fitness Motivation
    Tuesday, April 29, 2014 - 18:56
  • Lee Wyser posted a video.

    Great Lift! l No Excuses!

    Guts2Glory No Excuses WOW!! What's your excuse???
    Wow! Respect! - Fitness Motivation
    Tuesday, April 29, 2014 - 18:56
  • Guts2Glory posted a photo.

    Profile Pictures

    Guts2Glory shared Lionel Morales Gonzalez's photo.
    Sunday, April 27, 2014 - 16:05
  • Guts2Glory posted a photo.


    Guts2Glory shared BATEC MOBILITY's photo.
    ENG) #BatecPeople: Our cover this week features Batec Electric and Batec Manual users Elena and Rafael, who are set to making a dream come true this weekend: completing the Oxfam Intermn Trailwalker 2014 in under 20 hours. Go, guys! You know were all rooting for you! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Trailwalker-DKV-Cgaintegralia ESP) #BatecPeople: Esta semana les dedicamos nuestra portada a Elena y a Rafael, usuarios de Batec Electric y tambin de Batec Manual que se disponen a cumplir un sueo este fin de semana: completar la Trailwalker 2014 en menos de 20 horas. nimo, chicos! Sabis estamos todos con vosotros! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Trailwalker-DKV-Cgaintegralia FR) #BatecPeople: Cette semaine, nous consacrons notre photo de couverture Elena et Rafael, utilisateurs de Batec Electric et de Batec Manuel, qui sont sur le point de raliser un rve ce week-end : raliser la Trailwalker en moins de 20 heures. Courage les gars ! Comme vous le savez, nous sommes tous avec vous ! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Trailwalker-DKV-Cgaintegralia IT) #BatecPeople: Questa settimana dedichiamo la nostra copertina a Elena e Rafael, utenti del Batec Electric, ma anche del Batec Manual, alla cui guida, proprio questo week-end, stanno per realizzare un sogno: completare il percorso del Trailwalker 2014 in meno di 20 ore. Forza, ragazzi! Sapete bene che siamo tutti con voi! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Trailwalker-DKV-Cgaintegralia CAT) #BatecPeople: Aquesta setmana li dediquem la nostra coberta a l'Elena i el Rafael, usuaris de Batec Electric i tamb de Batec Manual que es disposen a fer realitat un somni aquest cap de setmana: acabar la Trailwalker 2014 en menys de 20 hores. Molts nims, nois! Sabeu que estem tots amb vosaltres! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Trailwalker-DKV-Cgaintegralia
    Sunday, April 27, 2014 - 12:02
  • Guts2Glory posted a link.

    Jumping Kids

    Guts2Glory shared Jumping Kids's post.
    Yesterday we began a project with the children's cancer unit at Steve Biko Hospital. We met and fitted a young boy who had lost his leg above the knee to the disease and is now in remission. Even if these kids have medical aid their prosthetics are often not covered until they have been in remission for 2 years or more. This limits the kids at a time when they need to believe they have the potential for a big life ahead of them. We have fitted him with a fixed knee blade solution, as this gives him the stability to learn to use the leg whilst gaining the strength taken out of him by the disease. He's a fighter and once he is up for it we will put some pictures up to show you how he is doing. We at JK look forward to growing this relationship. Have a good long weekend JK friends.
    Saturday, April 26, 2014 - 12:59
